@scuba when i said that i mean that there can be an option for me to farm them so i can beat them...... if i can't even farm them and theres a team that beats me before i even play then obviously thats stupid.
They can still probably be beaten 100% consistency F2P, that doesn't mean they're not OP. And I'm not investing all resources into that, i dont think its a wise decision for an F2P all things considered, and I'm sure they will be nerfed sometime. And the fact those 4 can't lose on offense to any team is a cheap stupid tactic and obviously OP
I don't think its good that any toon with under 50k HPP can't be used against them.
@Aniema no, I won in arena and took #1 as i do every day. Wiggs made me realise the very poor design of this game. Let ME guess, you are scared of a nerf to your precious wiggyyyyyy?