- Do you think this update is good overall, bad overall, or a blend?
This update is not bad per se.
- For you, what aspects are good and what aspects are bad?
I like the achievements system and the whole episode progress bar mechanics. It would be pretty good indeed, if it were not for all the cash grab implied everywhere. I can live with the Extra Rewards Track with the Episode Pass but, you need the pass to unlock half the achievements AND you need the shards to unlock the other half PLUS you need the pass to complete the challenges. Seriously that's too much greed. That's a stab not only to F2P but also to casual spenders.
- Are you considering leaving this game due to this update?
It is too early to answer this question.
- Why or why not?
Again, it is too early.
- Any additional thoughts or comparisons with previous updates?
In terms of game mechanics is one of the best I've seen to date but, at the same time, it is the most greedy I have ever seen in any game I have ever played.