Do you think this update is good overall, bad overall, or a blend? For you, what aspects are good and what aspects are bad?
- The UI will take some getting used to. It feels like it's more organized and detailed, but I'm so used to the way it used to be that I'm not feeling that yet. I like that there's a more consistent schedule of releasing units, and it might be easier to predict who's coming (not that that really matters) due to the era/episode theme. Though the pace of the releases does seem a bit faster - as if CG is going to focus more on churning out characters than they are fixing issues with current content. The speed of these releases may become too overwhelming for players, as it will be too expensive for those who pay or for those who don't pay they will get left behind fast. I'd also like a schedule of how long it takes for those marquee units to get put into a farming location (node, shop, etc), if that even will change, as it seems like they may run out of places to put them unless they start to double and triple them onto nodes.
- I'm definitely not liking that a lot of things are locked behind a pay wall.
Are you considering leaving this game due to this update? Why or why not?
- Not yet, but after today's galactic challenge it was on my mind, and I'm seeing a lot of others speak similarly. I'll give it some time to see how bad it gets. While it angers me, the game will still be free to play, it just might take a lot longer to work on some of these characters, which means I'll just have to be even less competitive (I'm not a pvp fan so I haven't been very competitive to begin with) and hope that the non-pvp aspects of the game can still do enough for me
Any additional thoughts or comparisons with previous updates?
- Not at the moment. I'll give this one some time to see how it plays out. If the paywall stays consistent with the trend they're building it then I might just stop the game and focus on other hobbies and games