So much confusion in this thread - so many people that haven't actually looked at the rewards and what they're getting now for doing less. I spent most of the day yesterday watching the same thing happen in the SWGoH Events discord and trying to explain how this is actually a better system for F2P players - I'm not going to repeat that effort because people just don't want to hear it. Contrary to popular opinion, CG actually DOESN'T pay me and as it happens, people that want to be mad will do so even in the face of irrefutable evidence that their grievance in fact doesn't exist. Everyone has gone full emotions on this and people don't seem to want to calm down and actually LOOK at what they've been presented with. For the record - your rewards haven't been paywalled - you can still get what you were getting before, or in the worst case scenarios, roughly equal value. I'm not going to show you the math - go find it - there are TONS of posts all over the place that prove it.
But it does make one consider that the real problem might be the fact that this new system REQUIRES so much explanation. CG has done a poor job of demonstrating the benefits gained here for all players and put disproportionate focus on the paid elements of this update. Maybe we need Crumb and Meathead to do a live Q&A about this so they can answer some of these concerns directly and help everyone understand just how this is better than what we had before. Maybe on a twitch stream?
As for the OP... I'll play along.
- Do you think this update is good overall, bad overall, or a blend?
-- I think overall it's good. There are some visual issues that could be cleaned up, but for the most part I like it.
- For you, what aspects are good and what aspects are bad?
-- I like the new episode pass and I think it delivers great value relative to other purchases in the game - I'll be buying it (though the plus pass is laughable).
-- I like the new UI elements - aside from some layering irregularities and occasional text scaling issues, it feels good to interact with and it's a nice update to what was a tired layout.
-- The character quests requiring a specific shard count aren't great - I don't think this is going to motivate people to buy shards who weren't doing it already, but I'm not a marketing guy so maybe I'm wrong about that. What I can say for sure is that it doesn't move the needle for me - and I'm a spender. Lots of people seem bothered by them but they're still pretty easy to ignore, so that's what I'll continue to do.
-- The quantities in the Episode Shipments should be addressed - in a store that refreshes once a week, you'd hope to find more than just 2 of the item you need.
-- I love that I can buy CCBs and BWs at reasonable prices with episode currency.
- Are you considering leaving this game due to this update?
-- No.
- Why or why not?
-- The one thing most likely to make me leave the game would be the frustrating fleet arena mess that I apparently paid a lot of money to get in on. The Tie Dagger changes make the game play experience objectively and demonstrably worse on a daily basis but that likely won't get any more air time because of this update. My guess here is that the dagger problem is going to fester because all the focus is now on player outrage about paywalls that don't actually remove any rewards that they were getting before. Just weeks before this update CG made getting rewards from fleet arena significantly more frustrating - that's way more likely to be the last straw for players like me than anything that came in this update.
- Any additional thoughts or comparisons with previous updates?
By most objective measures, this update is a good thing. Subjectively on the other hand, it's apparent that some of the UI changes, and in particular the changes to GCs are making players feel negatively about their game experience. For myself, I have no problem ignoring the things that don't apply to me - character quests and character feats in particular - I really don't care. It's not keeping me from anything and it's not convincing me of anything - so it's a nothing burger to me. It does seem to be bothering people though and I think CG would be wise to address that in some form or fashion.
A few parting thoughts:
The rewards track does one thing that I haven't seen anyone mention and I think it deserves a call-out. Collecting new rewards from the episode reward track almost daily gives a sense of progression. It's superficial - confectionary even - but in the land of lost investments (assault battles, datacrons, Sith Assassin, Post-Naboo Luminara) a sense of progression is an element that is becoming more and more rare. I don't think it's a crazy idea that CG could potentially see a resurgence of former players coming back to the game if they tracked back towards progression as a design philosophy, rather than the treadmill they seem determined to put us on.
For the folks so happy about being able to sim all the new things - I'm happy about that too, but in keeping with the general mood of this post, I'm sorry to have to rain all over your parade - the new sims are not in this update - we've got some time to wait for that feature still.
One last thing - you really only have to tag Meathead once. If he doesn't reply to that, several more tags isn't going to change anything. All the same, good luck OP. I hope this thread gets some attention from the powers that be.