7 years agoSeasoned Ace
Pong Krell Kit Idea
Pong Krell
Dark Side, Attacker, Jedi, Galactic Republic
Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy twice, and reduce their turn meter by 30%, 50% if they’re a clone.
Special 1: Deal physical damage to all enemies and inflict stagger and buff immunity for 2 turns. This attack deals double damage to Clone enemies. (Cooldown 3)
Special 2: Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict crit chance down and offense down for 2 turns. If he attacks a clone, the effects last 3 turns. (Cooldown 3)
Leader: Dark Side allies gain +15% evasion and offense. All allies take damage equal to 15% of Krell’s health whenever he takes a turn. This damage can’t defeat allies. When Krell takes a turn, all allies gain +15% critical chance (stacking) until the end of the encounter.
Unique 1: Krell has 50% counter chance. All galactic republic enemies and allies have -30% offense and defense while Krell is alive. ZETA: Krell has +10% offense and defense for each living Galactic Republic and Separatist character. He has +100% critical advoidance against Galactic Republic enemies.
Unique 2: Krell has +50% offense and critical chance against clones when Count Dooku is present. If he kills a clone while Count Dooku is present, he gains 75% turn meter.