Forum Discussion

MistPassiert's avatar
9 years ago

Potency Buffs!!!

Short and sweet. The following characters need a potency buff at the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM:

Teebo (TM reduction resist rate excessive)
Darth Sidious (I think he has a higher dodge rate)
Magmatrooper (worthless without TM reduction)
Stormtrooper Han (TM Reduction is his appeal, his damage fluctuates excessively)
Kylo Ren (his basic attack is only a % chance to inflict, with terrible Potency)
IG-88 (0% at GL VII? Seriously?)
Cad Bane (That stun is a critical piece of his arsenal, not landing it sucks)

If anyone has any other characters to add to this list, please do!

I'm well aware that most of the above characters also need work in other aspects. This thread is intended to address POTENCY specifically. Other changes to the above characters should be given their own threads or placed in an existing thread.

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