Prices in Webstore not accurate to persons location
Hello! So I've noticed this being an ongoing issue with the webstore and so far I seem to be the only one having this issue that I know of. Everyone that I play with (based in the United States) when they access the webstore, all their prices on the bundles and shards are in USD. Any time that I access the webstore, I am also based in the United States, everything is priced in Euro! How is this even possible? The prices should be based on the persons location they are logging in from. I never had this issue before until a few months ago. I was hoping it was a glitch, but now I'm not so sure. My profile and everything indicates that I am US based. So why am I seeing prices in Euro? I'm not in a European country, so I should not be seeing prices for a currency I do not use. Please fix this! This is super frustrating when I want to purchase something and am not able to purchase through the webstore. I've resulted in purchasing in-game due to this. Is anyone else having this issue?