Protection bars just went live today, so we will all need some time to adjust and change our meta to compensate for the update.
With that being said I have spend some time playing today am my first impression is anti-protection.
It appeared to make class cannons more useful and as stated above healers far less useful.
GS and Rey were able to completely remove the protection in one hit where as my dodge-speed team needed several attacks to remove the protection of the team i was facing. This allowed GS and Rey to knock out everyone's protection before I had removed one of the opposing players.
At a glance the changes today did nerf speed teams, especially QGJ, but did not high DPS characters to achieve balance. Instead of rounds ending in a minute from high damage characters it ends in 2 minutes.
For reference I am Lvl 70 with several 7* toons, gear level VIII and usually finish Arena in the top 200.