they have 2 teams working on "new stuff" (this includes reworks and faction passes, event changes and such so not all "new")
these teams work in parallel and when one is releasing the other is working on the next thing and there seems to be a cycle. this would mean that some portion of those teams or maybe even one team would need to be committed to this, which would slow output on everything, its not just one thing that could suffer."
Lol so 2 teams working on new stuff,but not all of the stuff they are working on is new?
In one of the other QnAs they said they were working on new content. And they don't consider assault battle challenge tiers new content before you throw that one out.
So where is it. What are they working on?
We have bugs in the game which are well known, reported continuously and still not resolved.
They backtrack on everything they say.
Extra challenge tiers will be something they'll definitely be looking to do but only once assault battle tiers are done. Assault battle tiers get done.
Oh what extra challenge tiers. sorry yeah we decided not to do that now.
They speak in lawyer speak continuously.
Don't improve the game,ie bugs.
And consistently fail to deliver anything "new" like they promised they would