This isn't exactly a surprise. We all knew that R9 would be required for new GLs (and like executor, profundity can be considered a 'fleet GL' given the list of prereqs). It's disappointing, sure, and I hate that I have to make a choice between playing with the people that I care about and have fun with and getting end game mats.
It's a choice we have to make in this game and it's one that we shouldn't have to - whether you choose to leave your guild for a higher GP guild, or choose to stay with a group of less ambitious players that you feel a connection to you still end up with a sour taste in your mouth. It's like the end of Mass Effect 3 - no matter which choice you make, it sucks, but you have to make the choice every day here.
But it's nothing we didn't see coming. The only answer if you don't want to go to a bigger guild is to pay. I'm pretty sure that's how CG wants it.