Forum Discussion

Elwycc's avatar
Rising Rookie
2 months ago

Raid rewards and guild change


As title proclaim i'm curious how those two things work with each other. Do i get raid rewards if i participate in it before switching guild? Tried to find answer to this here and on reddit - couldn't find it. Sorry if it already exist and im just poor at finding stuff

    • Elwycc's avatar
      Rising Rookie

      the thing is that the new guild is already waiting to the end of TB and raid ends day later(literally 24h). i don't wanna let them wait even more or find out that they had replacement. i can give up on those rewards, that is not a big deal, but i'm just curious

      • Rius_975518199's avatar
        Rising Hotshot

        If you leave before payout you will lose rewards. Most guilds will hold the spot until at least TW sign up finishes. Some don’t mind not having full sign up for TW. Most moves will occur between events in this case, between TB and TW. Raids are more difficult to time. But just ask the new guild if they mind you grabbing raid rewards, they will let you know if they need someone before TW if the timing is an issue.

  • Historically you would NOT earn raid rewards if you participated but left before the raid paid out. 

    I can’t imagine that has changed.