Forum Discussion

bobmyster80's avatar
2 years ago

Rancor Unleased

EA has it that you need 7* heroes to do certain raids. Rancor Unleased gives you relic materials that cost 1225 for 10 where on the raid you get 7 for free. Some guilds are abusing this by using cheaters to complete it. Why not EA put a recruitment up like certain GP or certain amount of relic characters needed b4 you can hit/enter it like other raids. This will stop guilds using small cheater accounts to do this raid

3 Replies

  • I understand what you’re saying, and that might help a bit. But honestly, CG should be able to put an alert system in place whereby if someone goes into the raid with an r5 rose tico and ugnaut and does 70M in damage, they would get notified and be able to proactively identify (and stop) this type of cheating. I don’t think the code would be that hard to write to identify the egregious offenders.