Forum Discussion

PhoenixMoore1982's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
7 years ago

Realistic chance?

Hey all,
With the Chewie event upcoming in the near future, I'd like your opinion on my BH squad:

- Bossk lead G11
- Boba G10
- Cad Bane G9
- Greedo G9
- IG88 G9

All of them 7* of course.

Could I 7* him or best to focus on them for the next month or so?

3 Replies

  • No Dengar? Oof. Best keep working. And be prepared to restart a lot. Greedo and IG88 are both super soft, and if R2 smoke screens it's game over.
  • YKMisfit's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    7 years ago
    I got him at 6* with similar gear, but I had Dengar. He's pretty much one of the few must-haves for this event IMO. He's the key to R2 not getting off smokescreen. You might struggle to get him at 6*, and 7* seems completely out of reach at this point.

    If you really want 7* Chewbacca, you'll have to put some serious work into them.
  • Thanks for the honest feedback. I'm farming Dengar, but he's so damn hard to find.
    I'll keep at it!