3 years ago
Reject button
Can we please get a button to reject special mission rewards? I really don't want Reva shards polluting my roster, she's a terrible character from a terrible Star Wars series.
"StickSurfer;c-2408034" wrote:"LordDirt;c-2408031" wrote:"StickSurfer;c-2408026" wrote:"DMG_SW;c-2407999" wrote:"Deathbringer59;c-2407990" wrote:
@Salatious_Scrum do tell, is it just because you think the show is trash? Or other reasons?
Obviously not all fans, but there is a good sized chunk of fans who hate any female character who isn't what they consider hot. OT Leia and Padme get passes, but characters like Holdo and Reva always get hated for being "poorly written" by fans who love Kenobi and Anakin and Starkiller and other atrociously written characters.
I hate that some people can't accept the fact that men aren't the only human beings around.
I like Cara Dune, Jyn and Qi’ra. Really liked Fennec Shand. Its almost like we can choose who we like and if it is a male character we dont like it is ok but if it is a female then people make up a reason for it. Too many psychologists out there these days.
You just reminded me on something. The Last Jedi got review-bombed from what analysts thought was due to race, yet Rogue One had an extremely diverse cast, yet it didn't get hated on.
Well, to be fair, Rose had a major role (even if it was ~10 minutes of screentime) while Chirrut and Baze had (big) supporting roles.