Forum Discussion

Basanovbeni's avatar
5 years ago

Relics are absolutely worthless on a high number of characters because they amplify useless numbers.

As it says, Relics were described as amplifiers to increase the most important stats on a character.

So someone make sense out of why the heck C-3PO gains the 4th highest increase in Physical offense, when he literally deals NO damage at all, as well as physical accuracy and crit chance?

If Relics were really meant to be unique for everyone, then they should amplify ACTUAL core stats, but they only are targeted to general base stats and completely useless numbers that self-negate against matchups with relic T7 holders, such as Evasion chance being completely nullified by opposing attackers gaining equal numbers of Accuracy.

Why are there no relics that increase Potency? Tenacity? Or have actually relevant number balances between the core stats like Health and Protection?

Many Relics are absolutely wasted and subpar and a large chunk of the roster (With large I mean almost half the ENTIRE damn roster of characters) has no reason to even get their relics built to begin with, other than some minor extra tank stats and maybe 1 relevant stat increase for Abilities.

Healers only really need relics for the Health gain IF Their heals scale with their own maximum health, such as Daka's and Visas'.
Tanks still have the major weakness of being easily shut down because their already high defensive stats are looked at instead of certain vurnerabilities or strengths that could be further defined, but were not, such as tanks that get easily shut down by stuns have absolutely no changes in tenacity but instead gain some buffs in their Armor Values, which is of little value considering how high the damage-values become into Lategame content.

Attackers are the only ones who really profit, as has already been deduced, because they are the only ones who actually benefit from the base-stat increases. They are the only ones who make something out of offense-stats being increased and their defensive stat increase isn't all too bad for necessary extra survivability, which is still absolutely minimal.

Honestly, Relics need to be looked at again because they have done absolutely no amplifying other than increase damage across the entire game, and make SOME characters gain relevant stat increases. Again I point to upper example with C-3PO having half the stat benefits you'd expect to see on a goddamn attacker, not a literally-no-damage support!

  • MasterSeedy's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot

    You're missing the point. These were advertised as individually tailored. Later we learned that the g12 finisher piece added individually tailored stats, but not the relics, which instead have just 9 (I think?) categories of possible stat increases and you get the one stat progression out of those 9 that the devs thought most appropriate to that character.

    Now, that's better than having just 1 track for all toons, but they still failed to put together any appropriate options for many of the toons. 3p0's only useful stats at that point are speed, tenacity, and potency. Why increase health or attack at all? I don't know the details of all the different stat-improvement-tracks available through relics, and so maybe the devs even picked the "best" one for 3p0, but yeah: there's clearly no truly appropriate relic available for 3p0 or HY. And like the OP said, most tanks desperately need tenacity these days, though even that isn't enough. There are too many irresistible debuffs in the game now.

    Some of this might get sorted out with new abilities promised to accompany relics, but they'd have to be available somewhere in the tier 3-5 range so that you don't have to get ALL your tanks to RT7 to get access to fixes that should be universal for tanks if they're going to benefit as much as attackers.

    3p0, for instance, could gain a new unique that provides a bonus to potency = crit chance, with Omega/zeta making confusion impossible to resist. (Personally, I think that they should make any new relic-related ability require Omega mats only, not zeta, but you can't put the omega on until you reach RT7. This allows you to introduce the ability earlier, make it very powerful, and still restrict access to it without requiring yet another zeta on every single character in the game.)

    Tanks could gain tenacity, with a capstone making taunt impossible to dispel or providing immunity to fear and shock. Whatever tank they decide they want to be able to counter DR/Malak could even get an undispellable taunt + immunity to fear and shock while taunting.

    This is still fixable without completely revamping the relics themselves, if we go down the "new ability" avenue EA/CG has already advertised. However, I agree that this really should have been handled earlier, and that there should have been a more appropriate stat progression track for both tanks and for toons like 3p0 that don't benefit from relics currently.
  • "Merailla;c-2009893" wrote:
    Crit dmg and Crit chance for B1 who can`t crit is also very nice.

    Sarcasm aside, the flat damage boost he gets from his mastery, plus the increase in damage from the base stat increase is very nice on B1. No regrets working on his Relic here.
  • Well relics do affect more than just the 3 stats determined by their mastery. They also increase the base stat multipliers which means increases in health protection armor resistance, and physical critical chance for everyone outside of what their mastery hands out.

    That being said, there are certainly some mastery bonuses that are wasted too. All in all, I think the year of KOTOR had lead this game into a state where defense was far too strong overall and the fact that attackers are the ones that benefited the most is exactly the medicine the doctor ordered.
  • The good part is that there is literally no need to g13 and relic everyone... and a single g13 needs a dramatic amount of time and resources (if you don’t pay)...
  • I wonder if people complaining about relic mastery stats have a square mod on C3/HY for the speed boost. You know, since offense is useless for them you might as well just skip it, right?
  • "RandomSithLord;c-2009908" wrote:
    I wonder if people complaining about relic mastery stats have a square mod on C3/HY for the speed boost. You know, since offense is useless for them you might as well just skip it, right?

    You probably missed this part of the original post..

    "MemeMaster;d-215326" wrote:
    As it says, Relics were described as amplifiers to increase the most important stats on a character.

  • "Merailla;c-2009915" wrote:

    You probably missed this part of the original post..
    "MemeMaster;d-215326" wrote:
    As it says, Relics were described as amplifiers to increase the most important stats on a character.

    Which is arguably damage on B1.

    Since speed and potency is not increased by any relic amplificer, I see no reason why it matters what other 'useless' stats are increased by B1's amplifier as he really only needs these 3 and it's worth it for the damage alone.

    Regarding the health boost on support characters, Wat Tambor benefits greatly from extra health and resistance. So does C3, especially when a r7 CLS would easily lose his guard to C3.
  • "RandomSithLord;c-2009908" wrote:
    I wonder if people complaining about relic mastery stats have a square mod on C3/HY for the speed boost. You know, since offense is useless for them you might as well just skip it, right?

    I put a protection primary cross in that spot. I don't let CG dictate my play style.