Forum Discussion

Kushy_Kenobi's avatar
New Adventurer
2 months ago

Repeatable Episode Reward not Rewards

This is our repeatable Reward(s) for completing the episode track?

you’ve capped the currency at a measly 30k

The crate description says Rewards, the S at the end makes that plural, meaning more than 1.

550 episode currency is a far shot worth it for a repeatable reward.

Thats my feedback, I hope this changes. If it doesn’t it won’t even be worth it to do the Galactic Challenges after you’ve completed the reward track.

by the way with about 9/10 days left of the episode, means 9 days to complete the track, I was under the impression that you mentioned F2P would be able to complete it, that is not going to happen. When you lock a feat behind a paywall requiring a 7* marquee toon. Whaling is not a feat and that’s how a lot of people feel.

3 Replies

  • I have earned over 100,000 and have had to buy tons of trash to not lose currency... lame. They need to put more good rewards in there, make it refreshable, or raise the cap.

  • I completely agree with you about the cap. I have 6k unobtained from the track, because I'm too close to the cap and there is nothing in the store that I'm in need of. And yikes, 550 after all that trouble (and I'm not even finished yet).

    I am also starting to agree with the last part, about F2Ps. I am completely F2P, at milestone 42 right now, and most of the progress I've made on the Episode track is because of the bonus points they gave yesterday and a good deal of the character quests for Hera and Huyang. And the only reason I got most of the quests is because I spent well over 30k crystals for them. And the only reason I did that was to be able to get GLAT as quickly as possible (in about a month from now, which is still the fastest I've been able to get a GL in terms of their release date). Otherwise, I'd probably be at milestone 20 at best, which is not especially impressive considering we have less than 2 weeks left for this episode.

  • The shop needs to refresh more than once a week, it would make the currency rewards worth more in the long run. Otherwise you're either at cap or wasting currency on bad value materials