For gal war you really want to work up 2 or 3 teams.
Gal war difficulty is based on your highest 5 toon power. If you just work a 5 toon team up, the whole of gal war is based on that team. If you have 2 teams you'll be way better off.
Use your best team first to give them pre-loaded turn meter and make sure to end the fight using basics to have their special abilities available for the next fight. Then use team b to work your way through, until you find a node they can't beat. Retreat and bring in the a-team.
There is another long winded thing you can do to help get through gal war.
The TLDR is: retreat and do abilities in a different order.
Gal war battles can be retreated at any time for no loss. Restarting goes back to the same random seed point and everything that happened in the battle will go exactly the same, unless you change something. If you do a different ability at any point it will likely change some outcomes, as the random number results go to different things.
Lets say you attack with Phoenix, you open with a basic from ezra. The enemy tests to dodge, fails, that's 1 random number used up. Ezra tests to crit that's another, then there is the damage randomiser. Then ezra tests to get his second attack, and repeat above for 7 total random numbers. Then you try to finish off that enemy with a big bash from zeb and they dodge. The battle goes downhill from there and you start again.
If you open with basic from ezra again and big bash from zeb it will miss again, guaranteed. You're using the same numbers in the same order.
Now restart and start with ezra flourish attack. There is only 1 attack, no test for a second, so you've only used up 3 random numbers (dodge?crit?damage?). Now zeb's attack is using a different set of numbers, and the outcome may be different.