I'm confused, if Reva beats LV on auto how does LV on auto beat Reva....what are you guys watching where all these GL's you say beat Reva are working.....
If they have a DC3 TM to weakest Ally, DC6 Dispel + Health Down, DC9 GI with high damage stats your entire team dies to 8th Brother and Reva AOEs.....The team outruns WAT because of 6stacks of Purge and can kill Wat before you can do a tech for SEE and SEE doesn't even gain any TM while the entire team to include SEE dies, a Rey team gets killed past Damage Immunity while Rey is ability blocked during first turn and dead before second turn. A JMK team GK gets killed by the TW omicrons of GI and you might be able to find a way to kill Reva with CAT but rarely. SLK falls apart.....as does everything else...
This team with the above proper datacron is the most poweful team in the game with no GL.....it makes the perma AOE LV or Dodge meta GL LV teams look weak because you can't even really break it, either you get some RNG luck and kill Reva or win for 16 with SEE or something or you lose doing absolutely nothing.....also note this is the CAW version who don't have the entire team R9 like MAW does lol
I'm sure in 2 weeks when more guilds unlock CG will finally say they are investigating Reva for being more powerful than intended but then 2 weeks after that the DC will expire and it will then hopefully be beatable cleanly by something besides just throwing a prayer! Regardless for the next month TW's will be decided by "he who has the most Revas"