If this mission requires full platoons to be successful along with precise mods, game play and streaming with your guild, players will walk away. Already went through that with Kam, not doing it again. It's perfect where it sets ups now. Need 5 characters at relic 7 as an entry point, not crazy modding and be smart with your specials to win without a full streaming effort.
Hey, @WhatTheFoxSWGOH , good to see you!
We've done a bunch of testing and I've done a bunch of theorizing based on that testing. The results are here:
In that testing we specifically avoided using 6/6 ops. We used 4-Ops for p2 and a mix of 2.& 4 Ops filled on p3. (Slightly more of the 2-Ops in p3 variant).
In that testing which included runs with my everyday Inq mods and also with mod sets crafted for the Reva mission we encountered a lot of runs that don't appear to be winnable, some runs that appear marginally winnable where quality of mods, turn order, and strategy make a difference, and some that appear easy as pie if you just know how to use your specials -- barely more difficult than the Reva mission was last time. This variation is just as you would expect. The real question is what % of missions fall into each of those categories?
My best guess (but still a guess) is that about 20% aren't winnable solely due to RNG or aren't winnable without expert streaming help due to that opening RNG, and another 15%-ish are winnable but tricky. These are runs that an average player would mostly lose, but someone who watched a bunch of video or watched guild mates stream should win at least 50% of the time, especially if they modded carefully.
That leaves about 65% of missions in a category where either they're easy with a small amount of knowledge (how to use opening specials + remembering to kill Scav ASAP) and careful modding, or they're easy with a small amount of knowledge and any mods you want to throw on.
As a result, I expect win rates between 40% for guilds that only a few platoons each day and don't make an effort to share Reva info and the upper 80s for guilds that go 6/6 on Ops missions and require streaming, etc.
Of course it remains to be see exactly what the win rates will be, but I'm guessing that for very reasonable effort (each person does a serious Reva-mission-only set of mods, but just once not updating each month, and the guild requires people to stream 2-3 times until they get the hang of it) the win rate should be at least 65% and probably higher, possibly as high as 80%.
Again, these are my own guesses, but they are based on some experiments and some time thinking with other folks at 50ShardsOfKAM. Taliana is going to be setting up another survey, of course, and we'll get better data over time b/c that's how she rolls, but I don't see this as KAM where win rates are under 30% without streaming. I think even people who don't care at all and don't remod and aren't in guilds that get more than 4 Ops in p2 and 2 in p4, it will be possible to either get a 50% win rate or get close to that after trying the mission a couple times.
But if you are interested in the best modding info and play strategy that we have available right now, do check out that other thread (which CG closed for some reason):