Forum Discussion

HeadassSupreme's avatar
Rising Rookie
2 months ago

Revert the galactic challenge feats!!!

Paywalling two feats out of four feels terrible and makes galactic challenges not fun whatsoever, which is what the game is supposed to be, FUN.

You guys took the theory crafting out of GC ENTIRELY and absolutely RUINED the game mode. First you want people to pay for a battle pass every month then you want it AND a brand new character that JUST came out to complete GC. What makes you think anyone would like this bs? Screw your point changes and your “I’m sorry you feel this way” “gift” CHANGE THE **bleep** FEATS BACK!!!

And also putting a battle pass in the game is scummy as all hell since people already spend FAR too much on characters and gear. Stop being so greedy and maybe more people would play your game? You think about that? Huh?

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