Its not about having her or not. Its about buffing an already extreemly powerful toon (if you dont think this is a buff then i feel bad for your lck of understanding on how this game works).
Rey is a monster and they are takings way one eay to effectivly counter her.
Weather you use her or not, like her or not, for once try and put that aside an help the devs do whats "rite" for the game. And buffing one of the strongest toons is NOT rite for the game. It makes 0 sence. Counters work by countering each attack. Its what makes these weak toons viable. They are stripping the ability they gave them away. Reys ability is to do multiple attacks therefore multiple counters should follow.
Add this to the list of things folks will post non-stop about and to the list of things that are more broke then pre-update smh. Where does an idea like this even come from and what was the thought process that allowed ppl to listen to it much less implement it smh