31 January 2016
Dear Diary, today has been a fruitful day. I've promoted IG88 to 4* and geared up my main squad as much as I could. There are four ways to increase the power of heroes, namely star promotions, levels, gear, and ability upgrades.
To upgrade a 3* to 4* 30 shards were needed along with 100k credits. I went like everyone else at the beginning and got Darth Sidious shards but then saw that my IG88 was pretty weak so I decided to instead focus on upgrading the latter as it would be more useful than unlocking Sid at this stage.
Significant changes in stats occur with staring. With gear it will increase a lot more in power.
I'm going to write a bit about gearing so as to help newer players out. Gearing is very, very important and affects a heroes' power more than levelling or star promotions.
On the main screen if there is a red circle to the top right of characters it means a hero/gear can be upgraded/crafted.
Click on a character with a green cross to equip gear on that character.
I clicked on my Ewok Scout and there were two green crosses. That means those two slots already have the necessary mats.
Clicking on one of the green cross will open a menu with two sides- left is equip, right is find.
I clicked equip and the top right side has been equipped with the said gear.
Clicking on the bottom right opened the gear window.
I clicked equip and that gear got equipped. Notice now I have all six slots full. Having full slots will upgrade the tier level, in this case gear level III to IV.
New slots became open and they need to be filled in order to upgrade another tier level. The slots can have four different variations:
1. Find
2. Equip
3. Craft
4. Nothing
Find - means u need to farm for the gear
Equip - u already got the gear, just need to equip it
Craft - u got parts of the gear which u can craft
Nothing - gear is already equipped or if it's a yellow cross it means ur character level is too low to equip that gear
Okay now for today's leaderboard. As always I list the top 20.
And don't forget to farm Qui-Gon Jinn! He's recently been made available for free, one of the most powerful P2W toon whom many have spent thousands to 7*.
And that concludes day 5 of my adventure in space o:)