Forum Discussion

Thorvald4's avatar
New Scout
9 hours ago

Rise of the Empire

In my guild, we are only at 350m GP as a guild, so we only get like 14-15 stars every TB, but we are trying to find ways to increase our star count. In the beginning planets, because the GP are so low, when we complete all three stars say in the light side track, if we go to the dark side track and 1 star that track during that phase, when the next phase starts, will that planet block off, or will we be able to complete the remaining 2 stars as well? 

4 Replies

  • That planet will be blocked off. Best way to optimize stars (from my experience) at the power level is to take 1 to three stars and press the other two as close to 1 star as you can BUT DO NOT STAR. Then on day two, you try to 3 star both and put any left over into your new planet. My guild is as 340mil gp and we can get around 20 stars because using this strategy, day 1 we get 3, day 2 we get 6 more, and then day 3-5 we get 3 more and day 6 we get 2 more for a total of 20.

  • Yep. starwarsmenzel is exactly right. This concept is known as preloading. If you can't 3 star a planet, just load it with GP up to about 10 mil buffer from 1 star to give yourself a leg up in the next round. Also, don't underestimate doing ops. Each op gets up a min 10 million GP, and the more of them you complete in a planet, the better bonuses you get to complete combat missions, which in turn give you more GP. I'd suggest putting a game plan together with your guild and find out which characters need to be worked on (relic'd) to give you the best bang for your buck in ROTE. My guild posts a volunteer list of characters needed to help us complete more ops in more planets. There are plenty of youtube videos out there that explain this concept. I think you should be able to get 18-20 stars with implementing a couple changes.  Great question!

  • One last thing is, if you wish to spend a little. Sign up for one channels that can help you or your guild leader track what is needed and who has what characters. I am not intending to say which is best, but my guild and I use it definitely helps.