Forum Discussion

Basanovbeni's avatar
3 years ago

Satele Shan fan kit concept

Since we have Darth Malgus, I thought it might be fun to create a counterpart to him from the SWToR series, and who would be more suitable than history's youngest jedi grandmaster herself? She is young, but she is incredibly versatile and has a born talent for tactical analysis and combat approach while also being skilled in the ways of the Jedi Shadow, so making her a very opportunistic character who looks for specific weaknesses to abuse seemed most fitting for her design. I also designed her to be a conquest type character, so 3 omicrons ahead.

Let me know what you think!

UNIT NAME: Satele Shan


CATEGORY: Attacker(AGI), Jedi, Old Republic, Leader

Powerful Jedi Leader who uses unconventional but aggressive tactics against superior opponents

FINAL TEXT: Deal special damage to the target enemy which cannot be countered or evaded and gain a stack of Breaching Shadows, up to 3 stacks, if used during her turn, which cannot be prevented, copied or dispelled, for 3 turns. If the target enemy is in the leader slot, deal 50% increased damage and gain Stealth for 2 turns.

Breaching Shadows: The next use of "Force Breach" deals +15% increased damage and consumes all stacks. At 3 stacks consumed, Satele resets the cooldown of "Force Breach" and gains a Bonus Turn.

(Special): SHADOW STRIKE (Cooldown 4)
FINAL TEXT: (Omicron) Deal special damage to the target enemy which cannot be evaded and dispel all their buffs. For each buff dispelled, Satele gains +2 Speed (Up to +100) until the end of the Battle. If there were no buffs dispelled, instead reduce the target enemy's max protection by 25% (Stacking) until the end of the encounter. If this Ability targets an enemy with Damage Immunity, they are stunned for 1 turn which cannot be resisted, copied or dispelled,

WHILE IN GRAND ARENA: After any 15 turns taken, Satele gains "Tactical Insight", resetting the cooldown of Shadow Strike and making its next use double all its effects. Additionally, if Shadow Strike is used while stealthed, the target enemy is inflicted with Healing Immunity for 2 turns which cannot be resisted, copied or dispelled.

(Special): FORCE BREACH (Cooldown 5)
FINAL TEXT: (Zeta) Deal true damage to all enemies, then deal special damage to the target enemy which cannot be evaded or countered. This Ability will deal a critical hit, if possible. For each enemy hit with the true damage part, all Old Republic Jedi allies gain Protection Over Time (5%) and Heal Over Time for 1 turn which cannot be prevented, copied or dispelled.

If the target is alone or in the leader slot, inflict 2 stacks of Armor Shred and all allies gain Offense Up, Critical Chance Up, Critical Damage Up, Defense Penetration Up and Speed Up for 2 turns and the target enemy is inflicted with the opposite debuffs for 2 turns.

FINAL TEXT: (Omicron) Old Republic Jedi allies have +35% Max Health and Max Protection and, for each buff on them, +5% Critical Immunity.

At the beginning of each encounter, all allies gain Instant Defeat Immunity until the end of their next turn. If no more ally, including Satele, has Instant Defeat Immunity, increase all cooldowns of the weakest enemy by 2 which cannot be resisted and inflict all enemy attackers with Marked for 2 turns which cannot be resisted or dispelled.

If the enemy in the leader slot is a Tank or is inflicted with any Taunting Effects, Old Republic Jedi allies gain +100% Defense Penetration during their turns, and if they deal damage to only that enemy, they gain Speed Up for 2 turns and cannot be countered.

WHILE IN GRAND ARENA: Old Republic Allies additionally gain +50% Potency and +40% Mastery.

All enemies deal 50% reduced damage when attacking out of turn and, if they inflict any debuffs during their turns, inflict those debuffs on them for 2 turns which cannot be resisted. If an enemy has more buffs than debuffs while taking a turn or any debuffs are dispelled or expire, they take true damage equal to a portion of all Old Republic Allies' combined offense which ignores protection. If this damage defeats an enemy, they cannot be revived.

Whenever an Old Republic Jedi ally is inflicted with a debuff that cannot be dispelled, they recover 25% Health and Protection and gain +20% Defense and Max Protection (Stacking) until the end of the encounter. This effect can only occur 3 times per unit, per encounter.

FINAL TEXT: (Zeta, Omicron) Satele is immune to action preventing effects (Stun, Fear, Ability Block, Cooldown Increases).

Once every three of her turns, whenever she deals damage to the strongest enemy, she follows up with "Vaulting Slash", which deals its increased damage and grants her stealth even if the target enemy is not in the leader slot.

For the first time per battle, if an enemy unit is defeated, Satele dispels all debuffs on all Old Republic Jedi allies and they all recover 50% Health and Protection.

WHILE IN GRAND ARENA: Begin every encounter with 3 stacks of Breaching Shadows and whenever Breaching Shadows is consumed, Satele reduces the amount of turns needed for the next "Tactical Insight" by 1.
  • "Destroyer_mct;c-2379501" wrote:
    Really good, only thing that I want to point out, or it might just be a typo, but last time I checked there isn’t an Old Republic Jedi title, so in force breach’s description did you mean “Old Republic and Jedi allies?”

    It just means units that have both tags. It has happened in other kits before