9 years ago
Scoundrel / Bounty Hunter ideas
Jango Fett - Jango could have the same special abilities as Boba, except 'Death From Above' could use a flamethrower instead of a wrist rocket, and instead of 'EE-3 Carbine' he could have his two pistols that would work in the same way as Cad Bane's.
Aurra Sing - Aurra could be sorta like Luke Skywalker, with a similar basic and special attack. Perhaps a scoundrel synergy of some sort.
Bossk - Bossk could have a basic attack exactly like Boba, but 'Relby V-10' instead of 'EE-3 Carbine'. Bossk's special attack could be 'Gas Grenades', an AOE that could have a low chance to stun, and a 50% chance to inflict some sort of debuff like ability block or offense down.
Robonino - For those of you who don't know Robonino was a bounty hunter involved in the senate hostage crisis in the Clone Wars, personally I'd like to see him with some sort of special that can stun with an increased chance to stun droids, or an explosive with bonus damage against Jedi and Clones.
Aurra Sing - Aurra could be sorta like Luke Skywalker, with a similar basic and special attack. Perhaps a scoundrel synergy of some sort.
Bossk - Bossk could have a basic attack exactly like Boba, but 'Relby V-10' instead of 'EE-3 Carbine'. Bossk's special attack could be 'Gas Grenades', an AOE that could have a low chance to stun, and a 50% chance to inflict some sort of debuff like ability block or offense down.
Robonino - For those of you who don't know Robonino was a bounty hunter involved in the senate hostage crisis in the Clone Wars, personally I'd like to see him with some sort of special that can stun with an increased chance to stun droids, or an explosive with bonus damage against Jedi and Clones.