Forum Discussion

hairglamfan's avatar
7 years ago

Scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, then.........

Accidentally hit a store pack you have noooo intention of buying.

Start over.

Repeat 5 times before sloooooowllllly scrolling at snails pace to the ONLY pack you ever intended clicking on - all the way along to the right, the free one!

And, relax.
  • "GhostTruckin;c-1631750" wrote:
    "Rebel_yell;c-1631748" wrote:
    "GhostTruckin;c-1631600" wrote:
    "GrantusMaximus;c-1631259" wrote:
    "YkapuDragon;c-1631013" wrote:
    "GhostTruckin;c-1630947" wrote:
    "GrantusMaximus;c-1630931" wrote:
    "GhostTruckin;c-1630909" wrote:
    "GrantusMaximus;c-1630907" wrote:
    Surely a quality of life issue CG?

    It’s not a qol. It’s. Sales,tactic, whether you like it or not, good luck getting them to change it.

    Don’t think you understood there, it is something that needs to be a QoL issue for CG, like they have sorted in the past. We all know it’s to tempt you to buy, we get that part.

    Don’t think you understand, they deliberately set it up this way,.. it is not a qol issue, it’s a sales tactic,. . They are not going to make it so that you can just hit store, grab the free card and walk away, You want the free stuff, . .then you have to go past the stuff that costs first. . . .

    Understand better now?

    Exactly how it works in real life.... Lol

    No? Really? Seriously?

    Maybe try understand the point of the post next time the jist of which is how much time it’s wasting scrolling along. We all know why it’s been set up like that numpty.

    Ok bud, let’s try this again, . . . The time wasted as you claim, is your choice. If you wish to reach the FREE data card, the price is scrolling to it. There is NO QOL adjustment needed here, for that matter, they don’t even need to provide you with a free data card. The ONLY REASON there is a free data card is so that you scroll past the money and crystal data cards BEFORE you get the FREE card. If you don’t want to scroll, the either employ the mentioned poggle, among others, method, or DONT BOTHER grabbIf the free card.

    You are making a mountain out of a mole hill here and it is rather funny that you can’t see the points being made here.

    I honestly wish they'd do away with ally tokens all together so we can stop getting complaints about having to swipe on screen to get there and "having too many".

    Meh, I find the ally points useful to try keep the shard shop stocked, it’s not much of an issue, but the threads about how hard it is on player xx to get free items are rather comical tbf

    same. I should probably just stop clicking on the posts I know will irritate me.
  • "Rebel_yell;c-1631816" wrote:
    "GhostTruckin;c-1631750" wrote:
    "Rebel_yell;c-1631748" wrote:
    "GhostTruckin;c-1631600" wrote:
    "GrantusMaximus;c-1631259" wrote:
    "YkapuDragon;c-1631013" wrote:
    "GhostTruckin;c-1630947" wrote:
    "GrantusMaximus;c-1630931" wrote:
    "GhostTruckin;c-1630909" wrote:
    "GrantusMaximus;c-1630907" wrote:
    Surely a quality of life issue CG?

    It’s not a qol. It’s. Sales,tactic, whether you like it or not, good luck getting them to change it.

    Don’t think you understood there, it is something that needs to be a QoL issue for CG, like they have sorted in the past. We all know it’s to tempt you to buy, we get that part.

    Don’t think you understand, they deliberately set it up this way,.. it is not a qol issue, it’s a sales tactic,. . They are not going to make it so that you can just hit store, grab the free card and walk away, You want the free stuff, . .then you have to go past the stuff that costs first. . . .

    Understand better now?

    Exactly how it works in real life.... Lol

    No? Really? Seriously?

    Maybe try understand the point of the post next time the jist of which is how much time it’s wasting scrolling along. We all know why it’s been set up like that numpty.

    Ok bud, let’s try this again, . . . The time wasted as you claim, is your choice. If you wish to reach the FREE data card, the price is scrolling to it. There is NO QOL adjustment needed here, for that matter, they don’t even need to provide you with a free data card. The ONLY REASON there is a free data card is so that you scroll past the money and crystal data cards BEFORE you get the FREE card. If you don’t want to scroll, the either employ the mentioned poggle, among others, method, or DONT BOTHER grabbIf the free card.

    You are making a mountain out of a mole hill here and it is rather funny that you can’t see the points being made here.

    I honestly wish they'd do away with ally tokens all together so we can stop getting complaints about having to swipe on screen to get there and "having too many".

    Meh, I find the ally points useful to try keep the shard shop stocked, it’s not much of an issue, but the threads about how hard it is on player xx to get free items are rather comical tbf

    same. I should probably just stop clicking on the posts I know will irritate me.

    Hard to do that when I pretty much click on every new discussion lol.