Forum Discussion

VelvetDiamond_9's avatar
5 years ago

SEE definitely needs a buff!

So, SEE in my opinion seems to 100% need a buff done too him, its quite ridiculous how bad he is.

Palp teams can kill him, Geo teams can kill him, Sep teams can kill him, vader teams can kill him, Imperial Troopers absolutely destroy him, and Kylo can 1 v 5 him.

This doesn't feel like a galactic legend at all, specially no where near the power level of Rey and Kylo.
Its arguable that even JML who definitely needs some tweaks also, is actually better off than SEE.
Sure SEE does massive damage once you get the ultimate out but, that's IF you can get the ultimate out and you definitely need him for offense if you want too use it.
When placed on defence, he doesn't get a chance, his entire team get wiped out almost instantly by so so many different teams.
Im sure over the next week we'll see even more silly counters come to light.

And despite what the videos say, you can not solo GAS with him, myself and 2 other people have tried now multiple times and clones just rip through him, so that video was clearly faked an had their mods removed on the 501st.

Again, this is just me voicing my opinion, and im sure it'll trigger many people as what doesnt on the forums but, im thinking maybe give him some leadership defensive bonuses for his team at least and maybe some damage bonuses like Kylo has. Specially considering hes meant to be used with Tanks.
And his ability where all Sith recover 50% protection is a bit silly considering Sith rely on Health in the game.

Just my two cense on it. Please buff "both" GL's.

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