I’m a big supporter of the Droid Dropship, but I believe it should have a B1 or B2 (or both) pilot(s). Maybe Droideka. That’s iffy. I also feel strongly about the LAAT Gunship for clones, hopefully with Cody, Echo, and Ponds when we finally get him (as an equivalent to CHS, Starck, and Alpha for LS Geo TB).
I’m still salty that GG got the Cap Ship. Should have been Nute. GG is known for piloting the Sep Bomber, it even shows him doing so in the final Tank raid cinematic. I suppose you’re right that Magnaguard could be a sufficient substitute.
Tri-Fighter could be the 2nd non-pilot ship, if not with B1/B2. I could definitely see a separatist “Emperor’s Shuttle” type of ship for Nute/Wat.