Forum Discussion

emynblade's avatar
8 years ago

Shard donations

Can we make it possable that when extra shards from 7*toons are added to the shard shop that instead of having to cash them into shard currency we can chose to donate and request them on the guild exchange so the higher level players in the guild can help the lower level players farm charicters faster to strenthen the guild as a whole us a better chance at tw and tb and raids?

3 Replies

  • I would love this option. I'd continue farming characters like maul and dooku to help the little guys in my guild (we have a level 23) The requirements of this should just be that you've already unlocked the character in order to request shards
  • so a person that's somehow related to a 100m+ gp guild gets boosted like spending $$$$$$$$ while others are not that lucky ..... :dizzy:
    for example if 30 players already have cups and they make it the new hero char for another mode, they can bost one player with 150 shards of that per refresh, so 150x4 per day ....

    i'd pay money for a bigger guild to house me for a week .....