Great points all around. I think I'm just frustrated because I'm at a weird part of the game. Level 85, 21 7-star toons at gear 8-10, but I'm in a rut on GW, and my Arena team always has to work hard to get back to top 100. I easily lose 150+ spots every day (I've heard that the GW difficulty is based on your arena team, so I'm exposed there).
Specifically trying to get shards to 7-star Finn and RT so I can complete my resistance team and grab those 5 star speed mods.
It's funny to see another poster mention stun cuffs. Gear is a whole other animal. And I've already conceded the fact that it will either take a ton of money (or as I'm F2P, time) to get my toons up to 10-11 across the board.