9 years ago
Ships Hot Take ...
People who don't like ships are loaded with 90+ speed modded characters and don't like battling on a (mostly) level playing field. Disclaimer: I have had nothing but rotten luck trying to get spee...
"Hut;923383" wrote:"leef;923377" wrote:"Hut;923373" wrote:"KueChael;923365" wrote:
Ships are too herky-jerky. Too many protection/taunt/debuff **** happens and the Empire flag ship sucks. There seems to be no rhyme or reason. My 124,000 power team fails against a 110,000 then crushes a 130,000. Go figure. My most powerful ship, Poe can get shot down in 3 shots.
You've never had your arena team lose to a lower power team and defeat a higher power team?
I find all the protection/taunt/debuff leads to a much more strategic battle of picking the correct targets and watching your turn meters. You can damage a ship you don't need to take out right away knowing the AI will waste it's specials on it, leaving the ship you actually want to destroy exposed, for example.
i'm not convinced that fleet battles are more strategic than squad battles tbh.
Perhaps it's because you've had plenty of time to max out characters for squad battles, yet like most players you probably only have a few ships to choose from and none of them are maxed out? That's where I get my "mostly level playing field" comment from.