Forum Discussion

Demos1178's avatar
3 years ago

Ships we need....

Love that Resistance and FO are getting taunting tanks but there's a few more ships we need to diversify Fleets. It's so stale and boring with the current meta being so OP.
Here's a few ideas:
B-wing with pilot. Glass cannon that has high speed, high evasion, and powerful attacks.
A-wing with pilot. High speed, decent armor and evasion, maybe not a heavy hitter.
Tie Defender. Enough said!
Separatist Droid TriFighter or HMP gunship
Naboo N-1 Starfighter
#1 pick.... Luke's X-Wing!!!
There's a plethora of more ships but those are a few we could start with. Special pilots don't have to be that great as characters (same caliber as (esistance Pilot, Tie pilots)
Fleets has a lot of potential. Awesome that we have the Executor but that shouldn't be the only fleet that's competitive. Mace, Holdo, Tarkin, Hux....Not great or competitive command ships. Even Ackbar and Thrawn have gone down in usefulness. If you add more ships we'll play fleets more.
  • Could even have cross faction ships like Tantive IV covering rebel and resistance, and how we dont have a hammerhead ingame yet is almost as amazing as the none appearance of Jabba the Hutt
  • For TIE Defender we would need Vult Skerris too and i would be absolutely happy about more Empire support
  • Imperial Tie Pilot #2-3-4-5 doesn't sound like fun characters to me.

    I'm fine w/ Crewless ships mixed in with Crewed ships.

    It eases the gear crunch & apparently was easier to design since the stats are all in the ship & not compensating for all the stuff that affects a ship when it has a live pilot w/ mods, gear, & ability levels.
  • "Zaph0dd;c-2349576" wrote:
    No more crewless ships, they have crews in the films/shows, so use them

    Actually surprised that that have allowed relic for crewless ships
  • SNIP
    "Zombefyer;c-2349648" wrote:

    8 fighters
    3 Cap ships


    THIS is what you think the game need?
    A whopping 8 more fighters.
    And THREE new Cap Ships when we don't have fighters for them as it is?

  • I wonder if there's a new rebel ship or rebel fleet update coming with Akbar, Wedge, and his X Wing being part of the calender rewards this month.