3 years agoRising Scout
This is not new... The raid has been able to be solo by 1 player for over 2 years now. For most guild the top 10 (minimum) is filled with 1 solo attempt score of 178m dmg. The game is getting alot mor...
"MasterSeedy;c-2364352" wrote:
Please don't troll: the argument is that they purposely set up HAAT & Pit so that simming is a net gain for the guild, and that therefore if they ever bother to set up HSTR to be simmable, they will set it up in such a way that the rewards once again penalize anyone who consistently comes in top10, but is nonetheless a net gain for the guild.
The argument is that CG didn't set the prior rewards by accident and that we can infer a policy choice from the two data points of HAAT & Pit.
Now you can argue (for whatever reason) that there is no policy at CG to make a simmed raid provide a net benefit to guilds and that the previous outcomes were a coincidence, but asking for the math on the HSTR sim rewards is disingenuous.
IIRC there was even a post to the effect that they intended for sims to benefit the guild as a whole, which would render any argument you make to the contrary about future HSTR sims irrelevant and ineffective. But hey, my memory could be wrong. If you want to contribute to the conversation, just make an argument about why you think that HSTR reward structures would be different post-sim implementation than HAAT & Pit reward structures. If it's plausible, it might even be worth it for me to hunt down that earlier post about simmed rewards and CG's intent that it provide a net benefit.