Forum Discussion

Basanovbeni's avatar
5 years ago

SiT definetly needs a look at his stats again, he doesn't fulfill the "Glass Cannon" description.

Right now, Sith Trooper, or SiT for short, feels more like a shotgun than a glass cannon.

He has the 3rd highest physical offense both pre and post relics, thats amazing for an attacker. His Basic has a 3.0 physical modifier, again, damn great.

But having 46k base health at G13 as a supposed glass cannon? That's a bit too much health for someone who's supposed to both kill easy and be killed easy. His current health pool grants him rank 7 highest base health of all characters. Added to that he has a 55% base tenacity and 43k protection, which is in the upper 50% of all characters for both categories. Pretty damn resilient for a glass cannon, don't you think?

And In turn, they gave him so little armor penetration that he ranks in the bottom 20% of all characters in the game. For an Attacker who's supposed to deal some pretty nuclear damage, that's amazingly low. Raw damage is absolutely useless if you can negate at least half of it by accidentally having some defence percentage secondaries on your mods.

In my opinion, SiT should definetly lose between 5k to 10k health and gain some Armor Pen in return, so he actually can deal more damage but is more fragile so he truly can stand for his glass cannon identity that he is supposed to represent. Right now it just feels weird...having such a low armor pen in a phase of the game where no matter how you mod it's impossible to have below 50% Armor unless you are specifically trying to get that.

I'd take some of his defensive stats and boost the hilariously lackluster offensive stat instead.