Forum Discussion

yohann269's avatar
6 years ago

Sith Bomber in TB [MERGE]

@CG_SBCrumb @CG_Carrie We have not had a new toon/ship released during TB week for a while, but in the past it has shown up in Platoons. Is Sith Bomber going to be required in Platoons in Phase 4-6? For some guilds this won't be a problem. They have the GP to deal with the harder combat missions. but for a lot of guilds the additional ship squad requirements could mean they don't do as well in TB.
  • Finding it somewhat ridiculous that we get an apology for them including Revan in the TB Platoons, yet a totally un-farmable new marquee ship IS intentionally required in fleet Squadrons when unlike Revan it isn't possible to get the ship at higher star levels without huge amounts of money - fleet squadrons are now virtually impossible in non-whale guilds now!
  • Even though this has no impact on a lot of guilds, it still impacts some and more importantly, it gives off a very bad impression.

    I agree with what others have said - ships and toons should be excluded from TB platoons until they are added to a farmable node/store that uses non-crystal currency. I don't care if it is added to the node the same day it is required in platoons. That would be the far lesser of two evils.