My guild starts up a Sith Raid as soon as it ends, but it's taking longer and longer for it to get done cause less and less people are doing it. I've stopped participating in the Sith Raid and almost left the game after two years cause it just sucks out all the fun in the game when you have to do a raid that lacks any type of excitement.
Oh yeah, let me attack Nihilus for the 5th time today. Oh cool, he can increase my cooldowns, but my Nihilus can't increase his. And there goes my Nihilus.
Oh, there's Treya. Shows she's got 14 turns before enraged, but why is she enraged after 7 turns? No body seems to know, but I'm supposed to just accept it? I mean, the Tank attacks twice, only counts as one turn.
My personal thought on it is that the Sith Raid is real Sithy (put the h after S though)