I wasn't excited for a new raid in the beginning because I knew it was going to be outrageously difficult. We have to consider that the HAAT was made back before there was G12, Zetas, or any of the top tier characters we have today (CLS, JTRey, Thrawn, BB8, etc) were even a thing and there are still a considerable amount of guilds out there who don't even come close to being able to beat HAAT. This raid being made with those things in mind, it's little wonder that it's so punishing.
That said, in the beginning I hated the Sith Raid. Despised it. I've slowly come to be more tolerant of it as configurations have been discovered that make each phase a bit more doable.... But even then, the gains are so small, it's hard to feel like you're actually accomplishing much. On top of that, the process of defeating the Heroic raid seems currently restricted to guilds with 120+ million GP (that's actually a low-ball figure), with 50/50 participation, utilizing teams that most people don't want to invest a lot in (Pao, Nightsisters and Phoenix teams, for example).
Since even in a 90 million GP guild, we don't have much hope of completing a Heroic raid any time soon, there is little to bother with doing as far as the Sith Raid is concerned except grinding our way through it constantly. Hopefully the update to the rewards will make it more tolerable, but I am very skeptical of that. The rewards I'd personally require to make me want to continue slogging through what I consider a very boring raid with very little room for individual improvement are most likely not anywhere near being close to what the developers would consider reasonable.