Forum Discussion

Sneaky_Squirrel's avatar
7 years ago

Sith raid rewards are kinda sub par

So I actually like the raid mechanics for this new raid and I don't mind the difficulty, however the insane amount of time it will take my guild to complete T5 makes it really tiresome. This is only amplified by the fact that when we finally do finish it I will get less rewards for this raid than I get for HAAT. I feel like either the lower tiers need to be able to be completed in a more timely fashion or they need to up the rewards. (My personal thought if they want to keep the raid with this much health is give rewards after every phase).
  • Rewards are terrible. I like the difficulty and how the full guild need to work together to complete it.
  • Yeah, the guild Im in isnt strong enough to do a high tier raid in this, but it does feel like the reward isnt enough for the level of challenge.
  • I got 2 fully crafted G12 parts from the Heroic we finished last night. That seemed pretty good.
    The topic of this thread likely should be amended to "Non Heroic Sith Raid Rewards are Kinda Sub par"
  • This raid is really geared towards higher-end guilds, so it's not surprising that lower- to middle-tier guilds aren't satisfied with the effort-to-reward ratio.
  • "Degs29;c-1483264" wrote:
    This raid is really geared towards higher-end guilds, so it's not surprising that lower- to middle-tier guilds aren't satisfied with the effort-to-reward ratio.

    So why bother even making t1-5. Also, we're a 116m guild. Upper middle tier. We did t5 and the rewards were outright bad for the difficulty of the raid. Sure, as things get figured out, the raid will get easier. We're already on track to take a day less this time around and then move up to t6. However, even a friendly 150m guild doesn't think they can do heroic (they're in the middle and really struggling right now). So why do the t6- rewards all suck? We can't all be ti.
  • "Degs29;c-1483264" wrote:
    This raid is really geared towards higher-end guilds, so it's not surprising that lower- to middle-tier guilds aren't satisfied with the effort-to-reward ratio.

    Most new content is designed as current end game content. There's no need for challenge gear in raid rewards. People completing certain tiers of raids are also completing corresponding tiers on challenges.
  • "sneaky_squirrel3;c-1483018" wrote:
    "Waqui;c-1482609" wrote:
    "sneaky_squirrel3;d-161446" wrote:
    So I actually like the raid mechanics for this new raid and I don't mind the difficulty, however the insane amount of time it will take my guild to complete T5 makes it really tiresome. This is only amplified by the fact that when we finally do finish it I will get less rewards for this raid than I get for HAAT.

    As you practice, you will complete the raid faster and faster making it less tiresome. If you expected a fast first play through the new raid and better rewards in tier 5 than i hAAT, your expectations were unrealistic.

    I expected the rewards to be comparable to the effort put in. So unless you are saying that T5 is less difficult then hAAT then I feel like my point still stands.

    I'm saying that you will finish the raid faster and faster for every time, you do it — just like you did hAAT. We finish hAAT in half an hour now. We took far longer first time we did it. The rewards wiil match the effort at some point — or maybe you will be able to move to t6 instead and gain g12 pieces as rewards (not available in hAAT)
  • Rewards are below par for the amount of time due to the huge health pool. They obviously want it to take a while, but the rewards for a t4 that takes 3 resets (up to 15 battles each) in my guild...really suk. We tried t6...would've taken weeks again. Trying a t5, but I'm not looking forward to the time suk for meh rewards. Most people are going to play if possible, but people are going to get burned out when no real payout.
  • "Waqui;c-1482694" wrote:
    "Drago5760;c-1482612" wrote:
    "Waqui;c-1482609" wrote:
    "sneaky_squirrel3;d-161446" wrote:
    So I actually like the raid mechanics for this new raid and I don't mind the difficulty, however the insane amount of time it will take my guild to complete T5 makes it really tiresome. This is only amplified by the fact that when we finally do finish it I will get less rewards for this raid than I get for HAAT.

    As you practice, you will complete the raid faster and faster making it less tiresome. If you expected a fast first play through the new raid and better rewards in tier 5 than i hAAT, your expectations were unrealistic.

    I disagree. The massive health pool means that it will take substantial time even once guilds figure out the strats. And why shouldn’t T5 rewards be better than HAAT? It is harder. It takes more time. T5 doesn’t give Kenobi shards.

    Well, OP can look forward to tier 6 then. Possible rewards include g12 pieces (not fully crafted, though) along wil fully crafted golden g10/11 pieces. That's progression compared to hAAT. If his guild manages tier 5 already, it won't be long before they can manage tier 6.

    Possible being the key word there. Odds of that happening? It's probably doodoo, like with everything else this game has hidden behind randomness. Mostly mediocre, occasional worthless, and very rarely good.
  • "KKatarn;c-1483380" wrote:
    Sorry they are too busy nerfing a character no one needs to spend hundreds to use in the raid. ;)

    And who is the daily reward this month for what reason... :trollface: