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GaidalCain_WOT's avatar
8 years ago

Speculation on Thrawn returning?

I'm not asking people as of course no one knows but I told myself I wouldn't worry about going turbo on getting Phoenix up to snuff until after R2's event came back.

It has come and gone so I whether Thrawn is coming back this week or in two months, I don't want to get caught with my pants down.

Currently I have all Phoenix toons (aside from Chopper) at level 80, G8 and 7*.

My plan is to bump Ezra and Sabine up to G9 (possivbly Hera as well and trying to ride out the event like that.

Most of the uniques are omega'd at this point and I'm trying to get omega mats to level the rest of their abilities. At around 80 omega mats total, this seems a daunting task.

For those who already have Thrawn at 7*, what do you think recommend i gear my Phoenix squad to?

My mods aren't whale mods per se but they are pretty good. I can do 115+ on one toon and 90+ on the rest with pretty darn good primaries and secondaries.

Advice and thoughts welcome and appreciated!
  • I farmed my Phoenix up to 7 star without cease from when I started trying to obtain Thrawn.

    Had just finished My Empire right before that. Barely had time to farm Luke to 7 star between all that other farming.

    Almost didn't make it with Old Ben who I had started farming even though I was hoping he wasn't needed.

    I've been able to obtain every new legendary character first time around over the past few months and I am happy about it, even if I only got a 5 star R2 and Thrawn at first. I have every other legendary character 7 star, just waiting on 'Ol Thrawn to come back around now...

    My Phoenix aren't super geared, but I don't think that will be necessary.
  • Ezra is good for Jedi teams in p1 AAT. If you're not going to use your Jedi elsewhere in AAT anyway? Might as well have them deal some damage in p1.
  • The only thing I wish would happen is for this is for hera's space for farming turn better than 20% or lower. I can play about 20 times and get 2 shards. I hope this is just a flop but i got ezra really quickly. I am not sure why but it needs to move along I have other characters to harvest
  • "baconrules515;c-1235319" wrote:
    The only thing I wish would happen is for this is for hera's space for farming turn better than 20% or lower. I can play about 20 times and get 2 shards. I hope this is just a flop but i got ezra really quickly. I am not sure why but it needs to move along I have other characters to harvest

    Stick with it. She goes pretty fast. Two refreshes a day and try not to pay attention to the drops :)

    I have all uniques zeta'd, Sabine is G10 and Ezra is a stun gun away from G9.

    I hope Thrawn comes back in September.

    I am literally the only dark side squad in my top 20 (the rest are Commander Luke, 3 GK lead, and a Wedge lead) :\

    It stinks that I have been farming Empire since May and been running Thrawn since the end of June and my squad already struggling against the new meta.

    I don't see 7* Thrawn and Krennic (both are 6* atm) making much difference but still. I feel like I should have farmed the Rex meta team that 80% of my shard did and then they just switched Rex for CLS :\