Forum Discussion

FrenziedPotato's avatar
8 years ago

Squad Mates- BigEarlWarson, Joshuali, ThranquiL, Pewpewjedi, Airow, Mario, NCS OmarBiscuit

Shiva, DarkSilence, Xoory, Cadius THornwell. Names I have seen in the top 10 a lot since the shards beginning.

Hey greggor here. Just figure see what ya guys are up to. I am not interested in place fixing (lame). I wouldnt mind an open discussion of current meta, difficulties etc. I would love to know if my group actually wins on defense. How about that lvl 74 unnamed player that can beat people over 10 lvls and 2-3 gear tiers above them with no tank?


Also side note, Hella job Bigearl holding first for over a month. Your time is coming!
  • -Bump, good to see Bigearl finally fell and holy hell Mario that zaul lead with 7star Nihilus...
  • Nice Josh, I am US East UTC -5. Also look what you did Josh, his new form has 7 star DT haha. Hey Darth Kevlar, whens ya payout time? if you can wade through the wiggs chaze teams you got top 5.
  • Hello - BigEarlWarson here. Was searching for something else and found this. I am considering switching to ZMaul but am sentimental for ZVader. I have ZFinn and was going to give resistance a try but got lazy and stuck with ZVader.

    Curious to see if Phoenix can stand up to ZMaul speed.

    At this point, looks like we are all just trading spots throughout the day. It has been fun the past few weeks.
  • "DarthKevlar;c-1101003" wrote:
    Hello Guys! Please leave your Discord IDs so I can add you to our Discord channel!!! I made one and it currently has me and Paco and I'm waiting on Tarkus to reply on Reddit to add him as well. @joshuali @Greggor @PacoStarWars @SheepToSlaughter Please let me know if you are in touch with anyone else from our shard and let me know their discord ID to add them to our channel.

    Hey I'm kos and I'm jiving around 10-20 but I'd love to join a discord. My discord id is kos#9303
  • @darthkevlar Staring at my discord i dont see the friend request. What is your ID? I can add you as well.
  • Hey guys, do you have a line chat too? I'm hoping to join, I'm managing top 20 and don't want to ruin people's payout... I messaged Paco on line earlier. Thanks Raxle Alucard
  • Got ya in Raxle. Hey Mczlay I have no idea how to enter any of those symbols for an invite so i gave you a pm to join our discord.
  • Hey greggor, found another thread also, but posting here too. Kit in game, discord is cccmmmjjj #6297