Forum Discussion

  • "fraser119;c-2461031" wrote:
    Ah, the old - “I am altering the deal, pray I don’t alter it any further” I should have known.

    pretty much. If you assume CG will not follow any patterns with stuff, you will not be disappointed, well you may, but that is another story.

    The only real pattern that they have adheared to is releasing bugs with almost ever update, even the updates to fix bugs normally has more bugs in them.
  • The cadence has always been that 2 weeks after the character was released they would then shift them to featured shipment and weekly shipments. If you want to get technical about the term shipments it referred to both, but if that word is not used collectively of the two shipments then they need to re-word their statement to being - featured shipments.

    They broke their release cadence here (which has been the case for many years) with STAP and did not meet that timeline. Further insult to injury and no communication about this change is we find that STAP is not in weekly shipments but only featured shipments. This is a bit of a pathetic move and I am not sure why they would do this or what they are hoping to achieve with this if it was intentional rather than accidentally forgotten.

    If it was intentional, given there are many spenders who budget on this way of acquiring new units, they should have posted some sort of update advising how they are changing this. I do understand they are under no obligation to do its just a shame that we can't be properly communicated with over such simple things.
  • Blubcop's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    He is now available in shipments, not in weekly shipments.
  • They do not normally distinguish between shipments and weekly shipments, in the past when they have said shipments the unit was available in the next weekly shipments refresh!
  • "fraser119;c-2461016" wrote:
    They do not normally distinguish between shipments and weekly shipments, in the past when they have said shipments the unit was available in the next weekly shipments refresh!

    I don't think that's ever been a guarantee.
  • Ah, the old - “I am altering the deal, pray I don’t alter it any further” I should have known.