Forum Discussion

fernandophj's avatar
9 years ago

Stealth change in Rancor Tenacity

After the last update, I noticed that I am getting resisted way more often than usual! I am sure that they implemented a stealth change at the captain and the rancor tenacity. Everyone I talk about seems to agree with me on this, they are all getting more resists than usual..

28 Replies

  • "Demonsheart;729112" wrote:
    The guard captain is now lvl 90

    I hadn't noticed this. The Pig and Rancor are definitely faster. We've been doing it for so long, you "just know" who is in line for the next 4-5 turns. Since the AAT raid update, that tempo is out the window. No doubt in my mind.

    I also noticed my 83% Potency Teebo was getting resisted a lot more, even when Tenacity is down. These first few raids, I was chalking it up to RNG, but this makes sense.
  • They have no motivation to fix Teebo because they want to make everything harder. So instead they programmed everyone to target Teebo and Rex like crazy. They even ignore deathmark and hit them instead!
  • It's very possible that the chance to resist formula was changed in the last update, without any mention of it in the notes. A recent datamine has found that the chance to resist as per the game files is

    Chance to Resist = max( 0, Tenacity - Potency + LevelDelta ) + BaseUnitResistChance

    This is much different than what devs previously claimed it was, which was

    Chance to Resist = max( 15%, Tenacity - Potency )

    Where I'd assume that 15% is the BaseUnitResistChance. If this is indeed the case, then the level 90 rancor now has the potential for an extra 10% chance to resist from the leveldelta, as well as the tenacity and potency difference. In other words, if this is true, then some players may need as much as 25% more potency to achieve the same tmr proc rates as they did before the update.

  • He definitely got his tenacity upped. My Rex had the lowest potency on the team but still landed 80-85%. After the update it's more like 55-60% on Rancor through 3 runs. Teebo and QGJ still hitting the 85% cap fine.
  • It's working towards the favor of DPS teams instead of TM teams now. My droid team places in the top of the raid rather than in the bottom with my single attack. People just aren't able to do 7 million damage anymore. Now it's 3-4 mil max.
  • I run QGJ with 106% potency and Dengar and noticed that QGJ gets resisted way more often...