8 years ago
Strongest Empire Thrawn Team
Hello All, With the expected release of Thrawn we've done a lot of theory crafting. And a team I think will be near unstoppable can be ; Gar Saxon Lead. Thrawn. Imperial Super commando. Boba and...
"Olddumper;c-1128571" wrote:"jackTHErandom;c-1128562" wrote:"JohnnySteelAlpha;c-1128460" wrote:
Once shards are mature and the majority have Rex / R2 / GK, zDM will seem very dead. He can win some on O still, but vs. elite GK / Chaze / R2 comps that's not at a high rate and on D he gets pulverized.
Had a shardmate that used him yesterday and forgot to switch him out overnight. He woke up outside of the 50 rank from being in the top 5. This is no bum player either - has a 6* G11 ATF, 7* G11 Chaze, etc...Maul just gets absolutely pulverized in a developed arena.
Call him dead not dead - bottom line is he shouldn't be a consideration when constructing teams going forward because you won't see him in D slots much longer if you still are and many players don't want to re-mod teams switching back and forth with multiple characters / builds to even attack with, especially when it's pointless because R2 / GK / Rex work so well anyway.
When someone mentions maul in this context they mean:
Hmm, a thrawn team... Lets use maul to win, then you swap back to your usual flavor of the month for your next match...
Besides, if OP's squad hecomes meta, and zaul is the only one beating it, zaul will become more widely used, which means rex becomes more widely used, which means zaul dies again, for thrawn to re-emerge - until the next best thing comes around
That's not how arena works anymore. The idea is you need a team that beats every team and occasionally wins on D so you can jockey close to payout. Nobody is going to be switching squad when they are going to be a part of 4 different battles in the last 15 minutes.