Forum Discussion

spackler81's avatar
8 years ago

Ok my account is screwed up it used to be synced now it's giving me errors and won't let me resync anyone know anything to help?
  • Don't panic ... I think it's on their end ... try again tomorrow.
  • U have to sync it 1st w/ just your ally code, then re-sync w/ player ID. I had the same problem.

  • I've had problems with recently too, it isn't showing my arena spot on the graph like it used to. It stopped doing that on Friday for some reason, but that might just be something on my end idk
  • @Poxx

    Got it to sync my ally code... But still won't sync my player ID. The ID is kind of stupid cause of the O and l... I've tried multiple times with multiple versions of those tricky letters but can't get it to work