Forum Discussion

thatjeffdude's avatar
Rising Newcomer
6 years ago

SWGOH Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors Kit Reveal (fan made)

Video version:

UNIT NAME: Kyle Katarn


CATEGORIES: Light Side, Jedi, Rebel, Scoundrel, Smuggler, Tank

Persistent tank that uses a variety of abilities to survive and works well with his partner


BASIC: Bryar Pistol

FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy, reduce target enemy's Turn Meter by 10%, and gain Offense Up for 2 turns. If Jan Ors is present, she also gains Offense Up for 2 turns. If Kyle already has Offense Up, grant Offense Up to a random ally for 2 turns.

Special 1: You Think You Can Take Me? (Cooldown 2)

FINAL TEXT: Dispel all buffs on target enemy and inflict Buff Immunity for 2 turns. Then deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Speed Down for 2 turns. If Buff Immunity is resisted then inflict Daze for 2 turns instead, which can't be resisted, and if Speed Down is resisted then gain Speed Up for 1 turn.

Special 2: Peace Through the Force (Cooldown 3)

FINAL TEXT (ZETA): Kyle clears all debuffs on himself and target ally, heals for 30% of his max health and protection, and gains Evasion Up and Taunt for 2 turns. While Kyle has taunt, he gains +10% bonus Evasion. If Jan Ors is present, she is also cleared of all debuffs, gains 15% of her Max Health and Protection, gains 50% Turn Meter, and gains Critical Chance Up and Critical Damage Up for 2 turns.

Unique 1: Reliable Partner

FINAL TEXT (ZETA): If Kyle and Jan are both present at the start of the battle, they have Guard until one of them is defeated. As long as Jan is present, Kyle gains +10% Evasion (does not stack with bonus Evasion gained from leadership abilities), and 30% Tenacity and Defense. If Jan is defeated, Kyle looses these bonuses, his cooldowns are reset, he gains 30% Offense, Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Accuracy, and Potency and takes 2 bonus turns. Whenever Kyle uses a special ability, Jan is called to assist.

Unique 2: All the Right Tools

FINAL TEXT: Kyle has the following 4 additional abilites, which are shared between Kyle and Jan. They can only be used once per battle and cannot be prevented. After all 4 ablities have been used, Kyle and Jan gain +25 speed and 30% Counter Chance for the rest of the battle.

Bacta Canister: Recover 50% Max Health, gain +20% Max Health, and gain 50% Turn Meter.

Shield Pack: Recover 50% protection, gain Protection Up (25%), and 50% Turn Meter.

Electrobinoculors: Remove Stealth from all enemies and Expose all enemies, which can't be evaded, and gain 50% Turn Meter.

Assault Sentry: Place a miniature assault sentry next to the user for 4 turns and gain 50% Turn Meter. Every time the user attacks or uses an ability, it assists dealing 50% of the user's basic attack damage. The assult sentry is not a targetable unit, cannot gain buffs or debuffs, and is defeated when the user is defeated or after the user takes 4 turns.




CATEGORIES: Light Side, Rebel, Scoundrel, Smuggler, Attacker

Elusive Agent who buffs allies and wears enemies down with constant attacks


BASIC: Get 'em!l

FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Defense Down for 2 turns. If Kyle Katarn is present, he is called to assist.

Special 1: Covert Operative (Cooldown 2)

FINAL TEXT: Gain Stealth and Evasion Up for 2 turns, gain 25% turn meter, and grant herself and 1 random ally Secret Intel for 3 turns. If Jan already has Evasion Up, then Jan and a random ally also gain Defense Up for 3 turns. If Kyle Katarn is present, he also gains Secret Intel for 3 turns, Critical Damage Up for 2 turns, and 25% turn meter.

Special 2: What a Mess! (Cooldown 4)

FINAL TEXT: Deal physical damage to all enemies, inflict Tenacity Down on all enemies for 2 turns, then all allies gain Speed Up for 2 turns. Inflict 2 Thermal Detonators on each enemy that resists a debuff during this attack, which can't be resisted.

Unique: I Got Your Back

FINAL TEXT (ZETA): The first time Jan falls below 50% health, she gains Backup Plan for 3 turns. If Kyle Katarn is present, he also gains this ability. If Kyle Katarn is defeated, all allies gain Defense Up and Secret Intel for 3 turns and 50% turn meter. Then Jan recovers 30% Health and Protection and gains 30% Defense, Tenacity, and Critical Avoidance for the rest of the battle.
  • I didn't even need a video to know I want this. But I watched it anyway. Seems a little OP, Mostly the Crow, but just my opinion.

    Also, would it be the Crow or Claw? I prefer the Crow.. but Outcast had Raven's Claw which seems like what most of this kit is based on.
  • "Eterath;c-1909988" wrote:
    I didn't even need a video to know I want this. But I watched it anyway. Seems a little OP, Mostly the Crow, but just my opinion.

    Thanks! Personally, I think with how OP Malak and the Revans are, Jan and Kyle need all the help they can get, haha.
    As I was making the crow's kit, I wanted to make it help counter and end the terrible rebel faclon meta, but I realized it makes more sense to have it have rebel, cargo ship, smuggler synergies and actually help them =/
    To see if these kits are over/under powered, a lot of play testing would be required.

    "Eterath;c-1909988" wrote:
    Also, would it be the Crow or Claw? I prefer the Crow.. but Outcast had Raven's Claw which seems like what most of this kit is based on.

    It was a hard decision, but I have my reasons:
    - The Crow is a more iconic ship for Jan and Kyle due to the Dark Forces series.
    - The Raven's Claw doesn't have too many obvious weapons and features and it had less artwork for it available, which makes it harder to photoshop icons for.
    - I think Crow looks cooler.