Forum Discussion

MysticTuba's avatar
9 years ago

SWGoH on Mac

I am currently playing the game on my iPhone and would like to play on my Mac using the same account. Is there a way to link my account (GameCenter) to my Mac so that I can go between my iPhone and Mac? Thank you, in advance, to the tech geniuses who can help me out.
  • scuba75's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    I don't think there is a working iPhone Emulator which is what you would need.
  • That is what I was afraid of. I downloaded BlueStacks for Mac, but couldn't even get SWGoH to open on it. Even if it would have opened I wasn't sure I would be able to link my current account.

    Wish it was as easy as entering my unique ally code and porting my account over to Mac. I would love to be able to play on my phone during the day and on my Mac at night. A person can dream, I guess...
  • scuba75's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    Whenever/if they add cross platform support that might work but bluestacks is android based so even if it loaded wouldn't be able to access ios account.
  • I am wondering why they can't add SWGoH to the AppStore for download on Mac. Then the account would automatically link through GameCenter.

    Is it really that difficult to have the game formatted for Mac and available for download in the AppStore?
  • you can download Andy for mac- but you'll be making a google account on it (using your google email) - and it would become an "alt" account per-say
  • Thanks, Stormy. Yeah, I'm not looking to create an alt account. I just feel like playing this awesome game on either my phone or my Mac should be a thing that exists.

    I would like to see the 9 months I've sunk into my roster of toons play out in fullscreen on my Mac. It seems like a lot more complicated things than this are possible, so I'm just wondering why SWGoH on Mac through GameCenter is so impossible.
  • I am playing on my iPad. It is the Mac business model more than a game shortcoming I think. I can video out of my apple laptop to lcd tv...never tried on an iPad.