"DaPowerfulJedi;c-1677346" wrote:
"Vendi1983;c-1677241" wrote:
"YKMisfit;c-1677276" wrote:
Definitely both. I did her lead first when I did mine, but that's because I was trying to solo the Rancor and didn't have a team already capable of doing so, plus I was using her as my arena lead as well. I preferred the offence and TM removal to the potency and revive mechanic of Talzin's.
Yes I plan to do both, but which first? I can already solo the rancor and don’t need her for arena. Maybe I should make a poll.
If you plan to make Asajj your next 2 zetas then it probably doesn't matter. It's hard for me to say when I don't know what your goals are and what else you already have in your collection. I find her to be the best NS lead for just about everything with the exception of P3 of the sith raid. For everything else (including P1, P2, and P4 of the STR) I use Asajj so I found her lead to be the best bang for my buck. But like I said, I also used NS in the AAT/HAAT, arena, and for the Rancor. Her unique gives her a major boost for HAAT in or out of Nightsister teams and anywhere else that's not the Rancor raid.
In your case, you might want to do Rampage first. I would still try her has the lead though, with or without the zeta and see how you do.