Forum Discussion

coolnessda's avatar
Rising Novice
6 years ago

Talia questions/nightsister concern

I just recently 7 starred talia for my nightsister team and plan on working her gear level more for sith raid. While I was maxing out her skills I had a moment where I felt something was off. I could have sworn at some point that she once had a zeta on her leader skill. Did she? I'm sure I'm wrong but I was curious. And secondly I tend to use my nightsisters during the final phase of the raid when traya is the last enemy standing even though I know this team is better in other phases but since my talzin isn't 7 star yet I find that my asajj lead team works well here. How well does talia work with healing during this stage with her basic? Considering attacking traya always causes our teams damage and healing does the same so how well does recovery from her function?

5 Replies

  • I don't think Talia ever had a zeta. Almost positive she never did.

    And a few of my guildmates use Talia in P4 with Asajj lead and they manage to do a lot of damage. Not sure of the actual mechanics but I think you'll be good.
  • Ns gain 50% tm when they fall under 100% health with asajj lead, talia is pivotal for a p4 team under asajj lead to keep the TM train rolling.
    They gain tm when they're damaged from BOW.
  • Better hitting P4 when Nihilus is still there. That's where the big numbers come from.
  • Yes, Talia is critical to making the team work in p4. That’s actually the more widely used spot for the NS than p3, even though p3 scores the bigger numbers.
  • And you can still score decent even on Traya, I’ve done over 4 million to her (on Heroic, and true, it’s nothing like the 7-9 million I can get against Nihilus, but nothing to sneeze at either) when I missed out on Nihilus in P4. (You probably won’t see those numbers without Talzin as a 5th AOE healer - I mean, technically it is still Talia healing on the mass assist from Talzin’s second special, but still). Trick is definitely keeping bonds of weakness low so everybody can heal you to full health with their abilities; I typically cleanse at 10-14 stacks. Just get your protection gone and run the team just as you would against Nihilus, keep that TM train running and you are good to go.