6 years agoRising Novice
Talia questions/nightsister concern
I just recently 7 starred talia for my nightsister team and plan on working her gear level more for sith raid. While I was maxing out her skills I had a moment where I felt something was off. I could have sworn at some point that she once had a zeta on her leader skill. Did she? I'm sure I'm wrong but I was curious. And secondly I tend to use my nightsisters during the final phase of the raid when traya is the last enemy standing even though I know this team is better in other phases but since my talzin isn't 7 star yet I find that my asajj lead team works well here. How well does talia work with healing during this stage with her basic? Considering attacking traya always causes our teams damage and healing does the same so how well does recovery from her function?