Forum Discussion

silvermissed's avatar
2 years ago

Territory War minimum sign up

I think its a great idea to have a requirement of 25 people... thanks to those involved in this decision. As an officer, I constantly see that we didn't make the minimum number of people needed, and as such, none of the guild gets to participate at all. This really is unfair to those that decided to join, only to be punished for the decisions of others who did not join. my suggestion is provide the GM (and possibly officers) with a list of people that did not join, so we could make a decision on how to handle it. But admittedly, if we just had the whole guild join, this too would be hurtful, since there are those who do not participate at all. We usually are a guild very close to the minimum participation... 23-27 participate. Imagine how those 23 feel when they get a message that their guild failed to meet the 25 minimum quota. This also causes people to leave the guild for one that is more successful at Territory Wars.
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