Forum Discussion

AbC5562a9887315's avatar
7 years ago

That moment when...

Just a nice post to voice your frustrations in a fun way.

That moment when you have a fully crafted stun gun and scroll through your green plus marks... I mean characters and their gear requirements.
  • When you want to spend crystals on a gear piece, but have to spend them on a refresh to make your 600tix daily instead.
  • When you are watching your apprentice about to execute some new force chic and then bzzwzwzwzwzzzzzzzzzz... you get a split personality instead...
  • You take scavenger Rey to gear 11 then see the gear requirements, and proceed to close the app and cry internally at how much time and resources it’s going to take
  • That awesome moment when Xavier Bacerra agrees with you that this is gambling and is looking into it.
  • When you realize that the devs only see us players as dollar signs and that beyond that we don't matter AT ALL!!!

    Must be nice to work in a vacuum and not give a s#@t what the players think or feel about the game ...even though our investment in said game HELPS PAY YOUR SALARIES!I
  • When you take the time to plan out getting 4 teams to g12 for HSTR and you see that you need 1200 gold eyeballs, 1300 cuffs, and 1600 carabantis
  • That moment when... you take a meta toon to gear 12 and then feel SOOOO accomplished and then you look at another toon who needs practically the same truckload of gear you just gave the now gear 12 one and realize you have to do the gear grind all over again. :grimace: Pretty much this whole game in a nutshell, am I right? ;) lol


    That moment when you spend 15-20 mins to Solo the rancor and the literal second you see the rancor fall down you get an error message on your screen saying "connection error... restart game" and your game crashes. You then check to see the leaderboard if it registered your solo and it didn't. You only see your "zero". :anguished:
  • That moment when you need 16 more crystals to vet a Chromium Mega Pack so you go to ship battles to complete achievements. You then accidentally spend 100 crystals on ship energy to get back 80 crystals. You then have to turn it off because dinner was ready and you don't get all the crystals. Then you realize you could have just completed your galactic war campaign. The next day you get the crystals to get the Mega Pack. You buy it and get one character. That character is Sun Fac. You don't have enough shards for his ship either when you thought you did. All the other shards are useless characters you will never use or you already 7 starred them. You don't have enough shard shop currency to buy the gear you need even after that.